River City Voices - Board Director

Board Director
River City Voices
Location: Parramatta
Play a crucial role in supporting a vibrant and growing Western Sydney arts scene.
Opportunity to demonstrate and enhance expertise in board governance and strategic planning.
Company Description
River City Voices (RCV), established in 2018, is a leading choral not-for-profit organisation dedicated to presenting, facilitating, promoting, and encouraging the public performance of large-scale classical and contemporary choral works. The organisation is based in Parramatta, NSW. River City Voices is committed to the health and sustainability of the independent arts sector, employing and commissioning artists to create and perform exceptional works, develop new projects, and offer skills development and training.
River City Voices has recently secured a Create NSW Annual Organisation grant for its ambitious and outstanding 2025 program of concerts, workshops, and capacity-building initiatives, one of only 25 arts and local government organisations across NSW to do so. This substantial funding reflects RCV's track record in delivering innovative programs and activities that distinguish it as a one-of-a-kind choral organisation.
With the upcoming 2024 AGM, expressions of interest are now being sought for two (2) Board Director roles. These roles provide a unique opportunity to strategically guide the organisation into the future.
About the Role
River City Board Directors contribute to the governance, strategic direction, advocacy, and operational support of the organisation. This role involves participating in Board meetings, attending concerts and activities, contributing to strategic decision-making, advocating for the organisation, and supporting its mission and values.
River City Voices is seeking candidates who can bring diverse skills and experiences to the Board. These may include experience in the arts sector, governance skills, expertise in fundraising and sponsorship, a background in marketing, or financial management skills. Completion of a Company Directors’ course will be well regarded.
Additionally, River City Voices, an organisation based in one of Australia's most culturally diverse regions, is committed to reflecting and promoting the diversity of the communities it serves through its programs and through the make-up of its Board, management and artisitc teams. Applications from individuals with experience in and/or backgrounds from CALD, First Nations, or Western Sydney organisations and communities are encouraged.
In alignment with ACNC requirements, Board Directors are not remunerated.
How to Apply
This opportunity is now closed.